Zadanie 1.

Read Anna’s guide and choose T (true) ­or F (false). Przeczytaj przewodnik Anny i wybierz P (prawda) lub F (fałsz).

New school meant new challenges, horror of getting up to something new. My head was full of stories about starting school dramas. But what do you know, what seemed impossible now is my everyday routine.

I did not know a lot of ­people when I first started high school. My friends from middle school went to different high schools, and even if I knew other freshmen I did not know many upperclassmen. How did I make friends among this sea of unknown faces?

My high school holds fresh­man orientation meetings before school actually starts. These are helpful not only because I learnt my way around the building and got to meet some of my teachers, but I also met fellow freshmen. That way, when I showed up on my first day of school, I recognized a few familiar faces. I felt little less stressed.

Guess what, when I talked to people at orientation, I found that a lot of them were feeling just like I was. They were all new to the school and did not know what to expect. Talking about common concerns with my classmates sparked new friendships and made me feel not so alone.

Learning Inside the Classroom

How about the workload in high school, is it a lot harder? – my mind asked. Will there be more homework than ­there was in middle school? My classmates were worried about this very same subject.

After few days it was clear that the work in high school builds off of what I have learned in middle school, giving me a more advanced knowledge of many academic subjects. So I found that I have more work to do or that it’s more challenging. But these challenges make me feel less bored with the usual routine. Besides, it feels great when I master something really tough? I found a new appreciation for biology and discovered my passion for literature.

When I found my work too overwhelming, teachers and tutors are available for extra help. While I have more independence as a high school student than I had in middle ­school, there are still many resources to fall back on if I feel that the work is too much.

Extracurricular Activities

High school also has more extracurriculars than middle school did, such as clubs, music and theater groups, student government, and sports teams. This is a fantastic time to explore my interests and try new things. Who said school has to be all work and no play?
These activities take place before or after school, or during my free periods or study halls. Because of this, time management was an important skill to sharpen in my first year and one that many students successfully learn. Extracurricular activities are great to participate in, but I had to remember to leave free time for myself. I always try to remember that everybody needs some downtime.

1. Some of her friends went to the same high school as she did. …
2. The orientation meetings are to meet upperclassmen. …
3. Some of the new people knew what to expect in the new school. …
4. The high school is not as boring as the middle school. …
5. She still doesn’t like literature. …
6. She plans her free time. …

Zadanie 2.

Wstaw brakujące wyrazy do dalszej części tekstu.

Learning Outside the Classroom

Aside from the things I have ­learnt in class, high …………..(1)is also a time when people start to ­learn important lessons from their friends and classmates. High school is a time of increasing independence and responsibility. As in middle school, I and my ………….. (2) encounter some tough times. But if you ever find that personal ………….. (3) get really overwhelming, there is always someone to talk to. Friends and parents can be great …………… (4) Parents warned me through the ­whole
holiday I would have to get ………….. (5) seriously to work when the high school starts but sometimes that’s not enough. I’m tired and the day is not ………….. (6) enough to do everything I’m asked to do at school. Then my friends are the ………….. (7) ones that understand me and are able to help. School counselors or other therapists can be ………….. (8) helpful if you want to talk with someone ………….. (9)of your friends and family but they are very serious and make me feel insane or not very well …………… (10).
Middle school taught me the basics of academics, time management, and social skills while provided me with a little extra support and ­guidance – kind of like a bicycle with training wheels.
High school gives me the chance to take off those training wheels and learn how to be more independent. Now I know it’s perfectly OK if I’m ner­vous at first. I just try to be patient and keep trying. Once I’ve adjusted to your new independence I hope to find I can go farther than I have ever imagined.



Zadanie 1.

1. Some of her friends went to the same high school as she did. F
2. The orientation meetings are to meet upperclassmen. F
3. Some of the new people knew what to expect in the new school. F
4. The high school is not as boring as the middle school. T
5. She still doesn’t like literature. F
6. She plans her free time. T

Zadanie 2.

1. school
2. friends
3. issues
4. resources
5. down
6. long
7. only
8. very
9. outside
10. organized


Improve your vocabulary!

freshmen – uczniowie z pierwszej klasy
upperclassmen – uczniowie ze starszych klas
show up – przyjść, przybyć
concern – troska
spark a new friendship – zacząć nową przyjaźń
advanced – zaawansowany
challenge – wyzwanie
appreciate – doceniać
overwhelming – przytła­cza­jący
fall back on – wesprzeć się na
extracurricular – dodatkowe, poza zajęciami obowiązkowymi
all work and no play – tyl­ko praca bez zabawy
take place – ma miejsce
free periods – wolne przer­wy
sharpen – zaostrzyć
participate in… – brać udział w…
encounter – spotkać się
personal issues – kwestie osobiste
school counselors – doradca szkolny (u nas pedagog)
insane – chory umysłowo
adjust – dostosowywać się